My story

Hakim Buchanan

Hakim Ajani Buchanan; his first name means wise, was born on Aug 4th 1992 in the early morning at around 8am at Nuttall Hospital, Cross Roads in the parish of St Andrew. He weighed 7.5 pounds.   His physician at the time who was notified of his imminent birth, arrived late, and Hakim developed fetal distress, which caused him to be placed in an incubator for several days. 

Within one week of being at home, the baby showed early signs of movement and when a nurse and family friend visited us she was impressed with how he was able to turn himself over from his back to his stomach within record time.

This was a sure sign of rapid development from that period.  At three months he was calling “Dada” and crossing legs on the floor with his favorite red dial up telephone skilfully leaned between his ears and his shoulder, enveloped into conversations with his imaginary friends clearly beyond his own years or months for that matter. 

At six months, Read More




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